Tag: Afghanistan
Michigan welcomes Afghan refugees

Afghan refugees are arriving in the state. Agencies estimate that it will cost approximately $2,000 a month to keep a family of four alive. United Methodists are called to act,… Continue Reading Michigan welcomes Afghan refugees
UMs help with Afghan resettlement

United Methodist churches across the United States are offering radical hospitality to Afghan families caught in the aftermath of a 20-year war.
Your dollars go where disaster hits

One disaster after another has filled the headlines in recent weeks. UMCOR and The Michigan Conference provide ways to restore the lives of neighbors near and far.
UMCOR supports Afghans in need

The plight of Afghans has filled the news for the past several weeks. The situation remains uncertain. UMCOR has been working there alongside partners for 60 years. UMCOR is providing… Continue Reading UMCOR supports Afghans in need