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United Methodists head to the polls

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United Methodists should review what General Conference has said in the Book of Resolutions as they reflect on the issues facing our state and nation and the candidates who run… Continue Reading United Methodists head to the polls

UMs in Nigeria distribute 50 tricycles

Nigerians receiving tricycles donated through United Methodist partnership.

A partnership between the United Methodist Southern Nigeria Conference and the Beautiful Gate Handicap Center recently improved the lives of people with mobility issues.

New series explores how UMs value life

United Methodist Communications has created a new series of stories that weaves together a comprehensive look at United Methodists’ official life-centered ethic with real-life examples of how the church embodies… Continue Reading New series explores how UMs value life

Celebrating a $2 million Easter gift

Rev. Rick Blunt in front of Okemos Community Church.

The Okemos Community Church recently surprised 3,660 Michigan families when each received a letter informing them that their medical debt had been covered by the church. In total, the congregation… Continue Reading Celebrating a $2 million Easter gift

Finding family in the heart of Dearborn

Children participate in Easter StoryWalk.

Dearborn First UMC has reinvigorated its commitment to refugees and asylum seekers by creating a new Response Team ministry, which recently sponsored a family from Jordan. 

Pastor inspires action against violence

Rev. Albert Rush standing in front of his church.

Rev. Albert Rush encourages Michigan congregations to address societal violence of all kinds, providing space in worship to remember and pray for all those who suffer.

Get started in Conference advocacy

Patsy and child of ESL student at Elsie UMC.

Resolutions for three social justice issues were adopted by The Michigan Conference  at Annual Conference. Practical next steps for advocacy are outlined for addressing gun violence, cancellation of federal student… Continue Reading Get started in Conference advocacy

Take action to create change

Making change by phone

The General Board of Church & Society offers a “Creating Change Together” toolkit to help you create engagement and put faith into action.

Learn to be a grassroots advocate

Advocate for Justice

Learn how to be an effective advocate for peace and justice in this two-hour online workshops scheduled for Wednesday, May 27 from 6-8 pm. 

Ministry feature: Justice & Advocacy

Children Pray at migrant center in Tijuana. Advocacy needed.

The website of The Michigan Conference has a large resource section full of creative and practical ideas, programs, and materials. This week we feature what’s available about Justice and Advocacy.

The Michigan Conference