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Finding a way out of the desert

Road through the desert

When experiencing a desert season, how do you move forward and find God’s presence and guidance? John Seppanen, Heritage District Lay Leader, shares some thoughts that have helped him out… Continue Reading Finding a way out of the desert

Summary of actions on resolutions

Bishop Bard presided over action Saturday resolutions

Saturday, June 5, was a business day for the 2021 Virtual Michigan Annual Conference. Bishop David Bard and Secretary Joy Barrett helped members get their legislative work done.

Bishop calls all to the table

President Bishop calls UMC to the table

The United Methodist Council of Bishops is meeting online April 26-30. Council President Cynthia Fierro Harvey’s opening sermon highlighted the image of the family table that brings people together in… Continue Reading Bishop calls all to the table

Take action to create change

Making change by phone

The General Board of Church & Society offers a “Creating Change Together” toolkit to help you create engagement and put faith into action.

God’s dream for no gun violence

No gun in the peaceable kingdom

The prophet Isaiah celebrates God’s vision for peace. The Rev. Glenn Wagner contrasts that with the “seemingly endless cycle of gun violence in the U.S. “

Travel a new road with coach training

Training on the road to change

Step up your effectiveness as a leader and help others do the same. Basic Coach Training is your road to fresh insights and new action.

The Michigan Conference