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Support a camper and make a disciple!

Last week we looked ahead to the 2016 camping season. This week we share some additional news from our outdoor ministries leaders. George Ayoub is the Executive Director of Camping in West Michigan. Jeremy Peters is the Chair of the Detroit Conference Board of Camping and Retreat Ministries.

MIConnect: How are camp registrations this spring?

George Ayoub: As we begin April camp numbers are up 15% over last year. I attribute that to the confidence in the ministry now that we have stabilized financially. Camp brochures went out a lot earlier this year, as well. Families were able to plan their summer sooner than before.

Jeremy Peters: Things are looking good. Detroit Conference is ahead in registration from last year. We are excited to see early registrations. Innovative and creative ministries have helped increase interest at places like Kinawind. Last year they did a Hobbit Camp and this year they offer a Harry Potter experience. They and others have worked hard.

MIConnect: What are you celebrating right now?

Jeremy Peters: As a person who came out of camping, I am passionate about making people aware of the changes being proposed for next year. I wouldn’t be a pastor or the person I am today if I hadn’t had a chance to be in camp. So as we have larger conversations about bringing the conferences together, I want to make sure camping is front and center in people’s minds. I know people have special attachment to their piece of sacred ground. The changes we are proposing are only aimed at strengthening our present ministries.

George Ayoub: We finished 2014 in the black for the first time in many years. Our present board is much more aware of where pennies and dollars are being spent. We have streamlined operations and are working more effectively with the money we have. We are not at the present time going to hire a full-time director at Lake Michigan Camp. Dennis Dull will do general oversight at both Albright and Lake Michigan. We will hire a summer director for Lake Michigan. We are looking for the right person to do a bang-up job from June to August and who then might go back to school like the kids do.

MIConnect: What personal camp-related memory excites you?

Jeremy Peters: God became real to me for the first time at junior high at Camp Michigamme. I had a great local church but camp was where I was touched and filled by the Holy Spirit. The first time I heard God’s voices was in that wilderness. Today, I have a love of storytelling and that also began at camp, when I talked about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego at the fire bowl.

George Ayoub: When I was working at the Masonic Home in Alma, residents wanted to help send kids to camp. One girl we supported had such a good time that she wanted to help someone herself the following year. She had been growing her hair for Locks for Love but decided to use what she earned from selling her hair as a camp scholarship for a friend. I also remember some 5th graders from Pilgrim United Methodist Church who loved Wesley Woods Camp. When they learned we were doing a fund raiser for the dining hall, they earned $200 and made a contribution to the project.

MIConnect: what can people be doing right now to support camp?

George Ayoub: Have a Camp Sunday and encourage people of all ages to register for camp.  Our West MI Camps offer options from family getaways (bring the tent, pop-up, RV, or rent a cabin), to week long children and youth camps.  It is also a time when you can let people know the opportunities they have to give support to camping ministries.  Please check the camping website (umcamping.org) for our Camp Sunday Bulletin Insert (listed under Dean and Church Resources). If you have any questions or would like to have someone come to speak to your congregation about camping call 1-888-217-1905 or e-mail Pamela Stewart at: [email protected].

Jeremy Peters: The Golden Cross Sunday Offering is coming up on May 3. In Detroit Conference our Outdoor and Retreat Ministries is one of the organizations that benefits from that offering. For bulletin inserts or online donation, click here. To request Golden Cross offering envelopes, please contact Amy Craig, UMRC Foundation Office Manager, at 734-433-1000 ext. 7502 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Tom Macaulay, Detroit’s Interim Director of Outdoor & Retreat Ministries, can be contacted for more information at 800-334-0544 ext. 1337 or [email protected].



Last Updated on January 30, 2024

The Michigan Conference