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Smith, Nancy M. (Croker)

Nancy M. (Croker) Smith, 75, died Saturday, May 6, 2017. Nancy was actively involved in many churches alongside her husband. She is survived by her husband, Rev. Robert “Bob” E. Smith.

Rev. Smith served in the following appointments in the West Michigan Conference: Barryton/Chippewa Lake July 16, 1998; Woodland/Welcome Corners Feb. 1, 2001; Welcome Corners (part-time) Dec. 31, 2003. Medical Leave 2006-2012.

A Memorial Service was held, Friday, May 12, 2017 at Fox & Weeks, Hodgson Chapel.

A complete obituary is available on the funeral home website: http://foxandweeks.com/memorial/Nancy-Croker-Smith-/6417

Last Updated on June 19, 2017

The Michigan Conference