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Web, social media, planning resources and more!  Need more assistance?  If you have questions or seek specific resources, please contact Communications Coordinator Kristen Gillette.

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Do you have an amazing story of mission or ministry that would inspire other local church leaders.  Share it!  Send story ideas and photos to Content Editor James Deaton.

It starts with ministry

Newsletters, websites, social media.  For most local churches, these are seen as important administrative tasks.  But the most effective local churches view communications as a ministry.  For those seeking to grow, external communications will be the very first thing seekers will see when looking for a new church. Research shows more than 90% of those looking for a new faith community look first online. Check out our regularly updated resources and toolbox.


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Screen capture of online worship training series
Michigan Conference Communications launches the first six videos in its Church Broadcast School series, providing fundamental education and support for the ministry of online church. ~ MIC screen capture

Last Updated on October 12, 2023

The Michigan Conference