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AC 2020 registration to continue

Bishop David Bard welcome to AC 2020

Registration continues for the 2020 Michigan Annual Conference. At the present time, there is no plan to postpone AC 2020. Stay tuned.AC 2020 logo

Sowing Seeds: Rooting, Tending, Reaping is the theme of the 2020 Annual Conference in Acme, Michigan May 28 – 31, 2020. Vibrant Congregations is the third in the series based on the vision statement of the Michigan Conference.

The focus of the conference is on equipping the local church for vibrant worship, strong lay leadership, and new ministries that engage the community. The keynote speaker teacher and preacher is Rev. Jasmine Smothers. Bishop David Bard and Rev. Brad Kalajainen will also preach during worship services.

Over a dozen nationally known and local workshop and focus meal presenters will be engaging the attendee with practical application ideas to equip the local church. Presenters include, Sarah Hescheles, Scott Hughes, the Rev. Jaye Johnson, Kay Kotan, the Rev. Candace Lewis, Mitch Marcello, Jason Moore, the Rev. Jasmine Smothers, and Cynthia Wilson. Local workshop presenters include Naomi García, the Rev. Matt Hook, the Rev. Gary Step, and the Rev. Kathy Pittenger.

Annual Conference begins with Opening Worship and Memorial Service on Thursday, May 28 at 10 am and concludes after the 2 pm Service of Recognition, Commissioning, and Ordination on Sunday, May 31. Conference ends at 5 pm following the Ordination Reception.

A block schedule will be posted at 2020.michiganumc.org.

FAQ for AC 2020

AC 2020 Registration Button

Registration ends April 30, 2020 at 11:59 pm. There are no cancellation refunds after April 30.

Online registration reopens on Tuesday, May 26, with a $50 late fee, not covered for equalization members or retirees. If you miss the deadline, it’s best to register on May 26 so your materials are waiting for you at check-in. Meals and workshops are not guaranteed if registering onsite.

Have other questions?  Please contact Conference Registrar Sarah Vollmer svollmer@michiganumc.org

Last Updated on October 31, 2023

The Michigan Conference