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Port Huron ministry opens doors wide

Store sign

The Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center, an EngageMI Ministry Partner in Port Huron, is bringing the love of Jesus to those in their community by meeting unmet needs.

Coordinator of Applied Mission, East Winds District

The Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center is a wonderful outreach into the greater Port Huron area. The mission of the Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center is “serving people, offering hope, all for Christ.” Over 8,000 families are registered clients of the Free Store, with over 700 guests served each month. Every Monday and Wednesday from 10 am to 2 pm, people from around the area, some from as far away as Macomb and Huron Counties, can enter the Free Store and browse the racks filled with gently used clothing for women, men, and children along with household items.

Everything in the store is free. Donations are accepted but not required. Teams of volunteers work three to four days a week to sort through all the donations, examining everything for excessive wear or odor, then tagging and preparing it all for display at the appropriate season. Between 12 and 14 people are needed for each shift to run the Free Store.

Racks of clothing at a free store
~ photo courtesy Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center

Along with the Free Store is the Blue Water Ministry Center. It has opened its doors to the area’s recovery and Alcoholics Anonymous groups. Weekly, there are gatherings of these essential groups at no charge. This thousand-square-foot room with a kitchenette became a lifeline during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry Center remained open for these groups to meet because the ministry’s leadership knew how important face-to-face interaction was to 12-step programs, especially during stressful and difficult times. Many participants expressed their appreciation for the willingness to stay open when other places were closed to outside groups.

Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center was the dream of the late Rev. Joanne Bartelt, who led the way for the then-Blue Water District to purchase a building in Port Huron Township on Lapeer Road, across from the bus station. It was an intentional decision to be near public transportation due to the income level of the guests. When new guests enter the Free Store, they are asked to fill out an intake card. This allows them to know how many families they serve. There are no significant barriers to receiving services; guests are not required to provide proof of need to shop.

Shelves with books and media
~ photo courtesy Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center

The ministry works closely with other social services in Port Huron, such as the domestic violence shelter. Because of this arrangement, individuals can come in after hours and remain anonymous. Safety is most important. The ministry also works closely with other agencies and area churches if there is a need for furniture and housewares beyond their current supply due to fire, domestic violence, or other reasons.

Ministry leaders intentionally want guests to feel like they are shopping in a store, so recent work has been done to improve heating and cooling in the building. This includes better front windows to improve energy efficiency and appearance.

Goals for the near future include hiring a part-time director to grow and expand the ministry, developing and expanding the pool of servant volunteers, and continuing with capital improvements inside and outside to continue serving our guests. Their ultimate goal is to make a deeper connection in the community to serve the needs of their guests so they can see and feel Jesus in all they do.

Meeting space with tables and chairs
~ photo courtesy Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center

Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center is an EngageMI Ministry Partner (CCMM #3061). It is also partially supported by ministry shares from United Methodist congregations in Michigan. The East Winds District currently provides the ministry with a $15,000 grant annually.

The Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center is located in St. Clair County, at 3482 Lapeer Road in Port Huron, just off I-94. For more information, including ways to contact them, click this link to visit their Facebook page.

Last Updated on November 5, 2024

The Michigan Conference