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Michigan swings into camp

It’s been a busy winter for Michigan Area camps as preparations are made for a new season of disciple making.

Say hello

…to Ryan Culby who comes to Michigan as Director of Albright Park and Lake Michigan camps. Ryan has arrived from Colorado and is excited to meet people from the West Michigan and Detroit conferences. Lake Michigan and Albright are already open for 2017 reservations. Contact Ryan at 231-715-8787 to explore ways he can be a partner in ministry with your congregation.

…to Eric Hoffman who left Illinois to jump into ministry at Wesley Woods. He is booking retreats of all sizes for men, women, youth, quilters and others. Winter retreat goers can be among the first to use the new dining facilities. Contact Eric at 517-212-5389 to schedule an opportunity to grow in the snow.

Say goodbye

…to Debbie Steed, who retired as director of Lakeview Family Campground at the end of January, 2017. Debbie and her husband, Jim, have been in ministry at Lakeview Family Campground since May 2009 and have been instrumental in the updating and growth of the site. Michigan Area United Methodist Camp Board thanks them for their dedication and service to Christ.

Wesley Woods Open House

The Dining Hall is in use and it’s time to celebrate this new facility at Wesley Woods. All are invited to an open house and dedication ceremony on Saturday, March 25. More information to be announced.

Changing Lives Campaign

Gifts and pledges totaling $266,075 have been received for the Changing Lives Campaign. Giving Tuesday gifts of $17,000 were doubled through matching funds donors. The Michigan Area United Methodist Camp Board, Changing Lives Campaign team, and members of the Camping ministry staff thank those who donated to making disciples through the Changing Lives Campaign. Special thanks is due to congregations that designated assets to Camping as they made the hard decisions to close their church.  2017 Registration now open

Fun, exciting, and faith-building programs for children, youth, and families are planned at all Michigan camp sites. There are discounts for first-time campers and also for campers who bring a first-time camper friend. Check our web site: www.umcamping.org

Last Updated on January 30, 2024

The Michigan Conference