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Meet your missionary

A new resource introduces the work of General Board of Global Ministries missionaries, from everywhere to everywhere.

When a missionary is commissioned for service, an anchor cross is placed around his or her neck. The anchor cross is a symbol in early Christian iconography that serves as a reminder that we are firmly grounded in Christ while engaging in service.

Global Ministries connects the church in mission by sending its personnel from everywhere to everywhere. These missionaries partner and engage with volunteers. They evangelize and plant churches. The address global health and diseases of poverty all while responding to the needs of local communities for the transformation of the world.

“Beyond the Anchor Cross” is a new feature that will highlight the work of United Methodist missionaries, such as Paul Webster who serves in Zambia.

Originally from New Richmond, Wisconsin, the Rev. Paul L. Webster has been serving at the Mujila Falls Agriculture Centre in Kanyama, Zambia, since 1992. Mujila Falls is located in northwestern Zambia near the source of the Zambezi River. He has the support of churches in both the West Michigan and Detroit conferences.

Webster’s work as a rural economic development specialist serves the needs of impoverished communities by addressing root causes of poverty. Through training and education in small animal husbandry, sustainable agriculture, tree nurseries, and much more, Webster is helping communities in Zambia provide for themselves an income from small-scale, family-based production activities.

Webster said, “God has provided abundant land, water, and plant and animal resources to Africa; it is up to Christ’s church to provide knowledge, faith, and hope to its people.”

This video introduces some young goatherds training with Paul. And meet Webster’s flock. A flock that produces 2,000 eggs a day.




Last Updated on December 28, 2022

The Michigan Conference