Golden Cross Sunday touches the lives of God’s children in Michigan, young and old.
Golden Cross Sunday is traditionally celebrated on May 6, 2018. The offering provides an opportunity to give generously to camperships for children and youth, care for children who have been abused or neglected, and support for older adults who have outlived their savings.
The organizations providing those benefits to young and old are Michigan Area United Methodist Camping (MAUMC), Methodist Children’s Home Society, United Methodist Retirement Communities Foundation (UMRC), and Joy-Southfield Community Development Corporation.
You can help promote Golden Cross Sunday by distributing offering envelopes, placing an insert in your bulletin, and/or including information in your monthly newsletter.
To request Golden Cross offering envelopes, please contact Amy Craig, UMRC Foundation Office Manager, at 734-433-1000 ext. 7502 or by e-mail at
May 6 is the traditional Golden Cross Sunday, but you are welcome to celebrate Golden Cross on the Sunday of your choice.
For more information, please contact:
- Brooke Adams, Methodist Children’s Home Society, 313-531-9464,
- George Ayoub, Michigan Area United Methodist Camping, 616-970-7838,
- Lisa French, United Methodist Retirement Communities (UMRC) Foundation, 734-433-1000 ext. 7426, .
- David Law, Joy-Southfield Community Development Corporation, 313-581-7773,
Thank you very much for your support of these ministries and God’s children whom they serve.
Last Updated on December 8, 2023