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Double your gift for camping

The first $33,000 in donations to Michigan Area Camping,  made Nov. 29th to Dec. 5th, will be matched.

Imagine a gift to Michigan Area Camping Ministries being doubled. 

In other words, a gift of $400 — an amount that sends one child to camp for a whole week — will trigger an additional $400 in matching funds. Wow! Your gift will send not one but two children or youth to camp.

This Giving Tuesday Camping Challenge is made possible by gifts from three donors totaling $33,000: Feighner Boat Lifts & Docks, Jon and Deb Skinner, and Steve and Sue Pung. Michigan Area United Methodist Camps is grateful for such generosity and commitment to Christian outdoor ministries.

Camp changes lives and here’s how to make a life-changing contribution:

  1. Online gifts may be made on the website umcamping.org. Once on the Make a Donation Page, enter an amount, designate the camp (optional) and write “Giving Tuesday Camp Challenge” in the comment section. Then fill in the appropriate remittance information. In order for your gift to be matched, use this online option anytime between Nov. 29 and Dec. 5, 2016.
  2. Gifts may also be mailed to the West Michigan Conference Treasurer, P. O. Box 6247, Grand Rapids MI, 49516; or Detroit Conference Treasurer, 1309 N. Ballenger Hwy. Suite 1, Flint MI 48504. Please write “Giving Tuesday Camp Challenge” in the memo line. To be matched, checks must be postmarked Nov. 29-Dec. 5, 2016.

While winter is coming, Giving Tuesday is an opportunity to plan away for summer blessings. In the meantime, churches are encouraged to share the Giving Tuesday Camping Challenge in their Sunday bulletin and newsletter.

Last Updated on February 8, 2023

The Michigan Conference