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Conference Leadership

AC2017 plenary

How to serve

If you feel called to serving the Michigan Conference, or if you know of someone with gifts that would contribute to our vision, please visit our Nominations page.

You can also find the 2024 Nominations Report on this page, with the list of boards & agencies and their members.

How to contact conference leaders

Leaders who have provided contact information can be reached by clicking on their name in red.  If no leader or contact information is offered, please email contact@michiganumc.org


Secretary: Joy Barrett 

Statistician: Pamela Stewart

Facilitator:  Jen Peters

Co-Lay Leaders: Taylorie Bailey, Dennis Wissinger

CFO: Angela Anger


African American Ministry Chairpersons:  Corneilius Davis, Cheryl Tipton

Annual Conference Session Chairperson David Eardley

Archives & History Chairperson Melanie Young

Asian American Ministry Chairperson:  Anna Moon

Church & Society Convener: TBD

Christian Unity & Interreligious Relationships Convener:  See Congregational Life

Communications Chairperson Mark Doyal

Congregational Life Chairperson:  Anthony Hood

Conference Leadership Council Chairperson Katja Falker

Congregational Vibrancy Convener:  TBD

Disability Concerns Convener Sarah Powless

Episcopacy Chairperson Nichea VerVeer Guy

Equitable Compensation Chairperson Mona Joslyn

Finance and Administration President Leslee Fritz

Global Ministry Chairperson Dillon Burns

Haiti Covenant Ministry Partnership:  Valerie Mossman-Celestin

Higher Education & Campus Ministry Convener Jeffrey Williams

Hispanic/Latino Ministry Chairperson:  Miriam Peralta De Garcia

Human Resources Chairperson Ellen Zienert

Justice Co-ChairpersonsHaley Hansen, Kristi Hintz

Journal Conference Secretary:  Joy Barrett

Laity Co-Lay Leaders:  Taylorie Bailey, Dennis Wissinger

Liberia Ministry Partnership:  Jon Reynolds

Native American Ministry Chairperson Tammy Okuly

Nominations Chairperson Tara Gay

Ordained Ministry Chairperson:  Barry Petrucci

Pension and Health Benefits Chairperson Amy Mayo-Moyle

Religion & Race Conveners Ernestine Campbell

Rules Chairperson:  TBD

Status and Role of Women Convener Patricia Bostic

Small Membership Church Convener:  TBD

Trustees Chairperson:   Matt DeLong

United Women in Faith President Sharon Smith

United Men of Faith President Don Archambeau

Young People’s Ministries Convener:  Elizabeth Hurd

Last Updated on January 15, 2025

The Michigan Conference