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Advocacy – Cancel Student Loan Debt

College graduates
~ photo by rattanakun from Canva

For more information contact:

Elizabeth Hurd
[email protected]
Co-chair of the Board of Young People
Pastor at West Bloomfield UMC

Relief of Student Loan Debt

Action Items:

  1. Listen to people who may be carrying student debt and learn how it affects their lives.
  2. Contact your U.S. Senator and Representative or their staff. Let them know that relief for student debt is important.  Share a story.  Encourage legislative action.


  1. The NAACP has a comprehensive guide with talking points, social media kits, and graphics: https://link.edgepilot.com/s/e7db3d12/lL1EWhwRWE6wjolpHCN2pQ?u=https://naacp.org/campaigns/50k-beyond
  2. The Student Debt Crisis Center also has opportunities for engagement: https://link.edgepilot.com/s/56cd15ff/V0-ju-qqOU2O5NtO3uFydw?u=https://studentdebtcrisis.org/action/
  3. The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry Scholarships Page provides scholarship information that makes college more affordable: https://link.edgepilot.com/s/7a59349d/NZFoakKhnkqdjvX4iaksgw?u=https://www.gbhem.org/
  4. Ways to advocate for student debt relief: https://michiganumc.org/ways-to-advocate-for-student-debt-relief/

Last Updated on July 11, 2023

The Michigan Conference