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JFON joins hands

The two Justice For Our Neighbors affiliates in Michigan announce their merger January 1, 2018.

Justice For Our Neighbors West Michigan and Justice For Our Neighbors Southeastern Michigan are excited to announced they are joining forces. At this time the two Michigan JFON sites, Grand Rapids (est. 2004) and Southeast Michigan (est. 2009) are uniting as a common organization with a state-wide board of directors.

Beginning January 1, 2018 there will be one Justice For Our Neighbors – Michigan.

JFON – MI is currently accepting applications for a full time Executive Director. Click here to view the job posting.

JFON is a ministry of hospitality that welcomes immigrants into our communities by providing free or affordable, high-quality immigration legal services, engaging in advocacy for immigrants’ rights and offering education to communities of faith and the public.

The JFON program was initiated by the General Board of Global Ministries in 1999 and has served thousands of immigrants throughout the United States.

JFON – MI is seeking an individual who can lead the unified, state-wide organization through this critical time in its history and ensure a strong future.


Last Updated on October 27, 2023

The Michigan Conference