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Guest follow-up … do it!

The worst kind of church follow-up is no follow-up at all. Get intentional today.
The Rev. Gary Step, The Michigan Area’s Director of Congregational Excellence, recommends this analysis by Faith Perceptions/Unbiased Research.

Researcher found that more than 75% of the time churches fail to follow-up with visitors who leave their contact information.

They go on to observe: “Churches are missing out on following up with first-time (or second-timer or third-time) guests in a big way and the message being sent is that people who want to get plugged into a church are not important … If a guest hears your call from the pulpit encouraging them to leave their contact information and then you don’t contact them, they take that to mean that you are not interested, and they likely won’t come back again.”

The analysts share the reasons that churches are not doing intentional follow-up and then offer five tips to better connect with those who visit.

Read more.


Last Updated on November 28, 2016

The Michigan Conference