Michigan Area UM Camping reports on the 2021 season and looks ahead to outdoor ministries at Wesley Woods, Lake Michigan, and Lake Huron in the coming year year.
Executive Director, Michigan Area UM Camping
Camp has never felt more aligned with what people needed than it did this year as we welcomed children, youth, and adults back to Wesley Woods, Lake Michigan, and Lake Huron. After months of isolation and stress, your outdoor ministry sites came alive again with hope, joy, and love. Sharing the message that “You are loved by God in Jesus Christ and that love is yours to share with the world” renewed the role of Christian camp and retreat ministries in today’s society.
We celebrate the success of the past year and look to grow even more in 2022. Significant renovations are in process:
- Wesley Woods Camp & Retreat Center: Retreat Center upgrades (carpeting, windows, heating/air, and beds) and Main Lodge upgrades
- Lake Michigan Camp & Retreat: Restroom/Bath House updates (replacing outdated facilities – north/day camp and youth/central camp)
- Lake Huron Retreat Center: new roofs, carpet, and heating/air conditioning unit upgrades
These improvements are financed through dedicated funds created from the sale of other properties and used solely for capital improvement projects.
We’re excited to be able to improve these facilities so guests can focus on their spiritual journeys and enjoy the beautiful outdoors! If you know of a group looking for retreat space in 2022, please let us know by contacting me or info@umcamping.org.
Registration for the 2022 camping season is now open. Mark your calendars, invite your friends, and get ready to enjoy all the fun of being at camp. When your name is called at camp, you are known in the camp community as welcomed, loved, and encouraged to be who God calls you to be. Click here for winter, spring, and summer opportunities at Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and Wesley Woods camps.
Covid-19 has significantly impacted our operational budgets with many groups canceling and a lower than typical summer camp enrollment. Additionally, Michigan Area United Methodist Camping saw its income from the Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church drop 75% over the last two years. We eliminated a physical central office and trimmed spending everywhere we could. The truth is we face the last quarter of 2021 with a $250,000 deficit, and we are asking for your help.
Michigan Area United Methodist Camping invites you to invest in this life-changing ministry through your gifts. Your one-time and ongoing gifts to these ministries will ensure that we can continue to grow toward a sustainable future — with better facilities and programs. Use the options described on our donate webpage to give, including giving online, mailing a check, or using a credit card by phone (call 616-970-7838).
Last Updated on January 31, 2024