Camp registrations are now being taken at nine United Methodist sites across Michigan.
Michigan Area United Methodist Camping invites local congregations for help in getting kids to camp.
As the 2018 camping season begins, they encourage pastors and local church members to identify and assist children, youth and adults who would benefit from summer camp.
Each local church has been mailed a small quantity of Summer Camp Guides.
There are $50 rebates for first-time campers and scholarships are also available.
There are changes in registration now that Michigan Area United Methodist Camping operates separately from the Michigan Conference.
Looking for lots of great ways to promote camp in worship, in person or through social media? Find them here.
Michigan Area United Methodist Camping is also willing to visit your congregation with the story of how camp changes lives. Flashlight Faith is a free special mini-camping program held at your faith community, including activities, stories and camp-style food (either a meal or snack depending on the situation). If you wish to host a Flashlight Faith weeknight dinner, a Sunday afternoon picnic, Sunday School or worship presentation, email
Last Updated on December 8, 2023