4 events found.
Northern Skies District
Spiritual Growth Retreat
Comfort Inn, Manistique MISPIRITUAL GROWTH RETREAT in person at the Comfort Inn, in Manistique, Michigan. The speaker will be Kathy Freeland. More details soon... Click HERE for registration form..
Southern Region District Conference
GLENNIE UMC 3170 State St. M-65, Glennie, MI, United States of AmericaGet more information >>>
Northern Region District Conference
MARQUETTE: HOPE UMC East Ridge Street, Marquette, Michigan, United StatesGet more information >>>
Northern Skies District LSM Class: Basic
We will be having a Basic Lay Servant Course at the First UMC of Hermansville. This event will happen on 2/1, 2/8, and 2/15 from 8am-12pm CST. You will need… Continue Reading Northern Skies District LSM Class: Basic