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Disaffiliation terms and conditions finalized

Woman debates terms for a process for disaffiliation

Trustees of The Michigan Conference move forward on a Judicial Council assignment to provide terms for disaffiliation from The UMC.


Michigan Conference Board of Trustees, Chair

(Note: Based on legislation passed at the 2019 General Conference, the Judicial Council designated each annual conference board of trustees with the responsibility to establish the “terms and conditions” for disaffiliation that will be incorporated into a final document to be acted upon by the Annual Conference for any church voting to leave the United Methodist denomination.)

In mid-June the Conference Board of Trustees provided a status of the process and advised that the formal disaffiliation agreement was planned to be available August 1, 2019. In keeping with that schedule the board has met, discussed, and concluded the work on determination of the terms and conditions for that agreement.

The process now moves to finalizing the document by our Conference Chancellor, releasing a summary of the terms and providing explanations with accompanying Frequently Asked Questions. These elements will be complete on August 1st and available through the conference website. Contact information for those to whom questions can be directed will also be provided.

It should be emphasized that the intent of the timing is to ensure any potential congregation has all the information needed to make an informed decision. Further, the steps require a formal vote at annual conference to complete the process. Therefore, this can be, and should be, an intentionally deliberate procedure.


Last Updated on November 1, 2023

The Michigan Conference