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Crisis and Trauma in Children


The world can seem like a big and scary place. Yet again, we learn of more acts of horrible violence in Christchurch, New Zealand. Children may or may not know about this latest news of violence, but they practice lock-down drills and active shooter drills at school. They may hear things on the TV or radio or see things when they are on the Internet. They may experience violence, trauma and crisis firsthand. They may watch or play video games with violence. 

Here is a list of resources from Discipleship Ministries that may be helpful.

The book, Eek! said Amy by L.J. Zimmerman is a good option for children to understand how emotions (especially fear) work in our body. It also includes ideas for practical coping skills.

This book list includes a number of topics for children’s ministries including grief, trauma and loss.

Book suggestions from picturebooktheology.com relating to violence.

If you have suggestions to add to this list or specific needs for your context, contact Kathy Pittenger.

Last Updated on January 30, 2024

The Michigan Conference