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Complaint referred to counsel

LANSING MI…Bishop Deborah Lieder Kiesey announced that an impasse had been reached in the complaint against Pastor Michael Tupper of the West Michigan Annual Conference.

As a result, the matter has been referred to the Counsel for the Church. Bishop Kiesey has designated Rev. Elbert Dulworth to serve as the Counsel for the Church.  Rev. Dulworth currently serves as the District Superintendent of the Marquette District.

According to the Book of Discipline, the instrument for setting forth the laws, plan, polity, and process by which United Methodists govern themselves, the Counsel for the Church shall prepare, sign and refer the judicial complaint to the Chairperson of the Conference Committee on Investigation of a Clergy Member. The committee is comprised of four West Michigan Annual Conference clergy in full connection, three professing members, and six alternate members, three of whom shall be clergy in full connection and three of whom shall be professing members.  This committee would then have 60 days to convene a hearing to determine whether reasonable grounds exist to bring a bill of charges and specifications to trial.  If the Committee on Investigation concludes that there is not enough evidence to bring a bill of charges and specifications to trial, they can dismiss the matter.  Otherwise, the charges would be forwarded to another bishop appointed to act as the presiding officer of a trial court.  At any time during these procedures, a just resolution can be reached which would resolve this matter without further judicial process.

“I am deeply saddened that we have come to this point,” said Bishop Kiesey. “We have spent hundreds of hours seeking a just resolution to this matter, but we have reached an impasse.  These are difficult and emotional matters and I hold all who are a part of this process and impacted by it, in my prayers.”

The West Michigan Conference and the Detroit Annual Conference comprise the Michigan Area of The United Methodist Church.

Together, these annual conferences represent nearly 900 United Methodist churches and over 150,000 members in Michigan.  The Michigan Area Office is located in Lansing, Michigan and is led by Bishop Deborah Lieder Kiesey.  Bishop Kiesey has led the Michigan Area since September 2012.

Last Updated on October 16, 2015

The Michigan Conference