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Coffee shop conversations

Rev. Scott Chrostek shares “holy surprises” he had in coffee shops when he planted a church in Kansas City.
Once in ministry in The Detroit Conference, Scott Chrostek left Michigan to join Adam Hamilton’s staff at Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, KN. Scott is now the pastor of Resurrection Downtown in Kansas City.

Chrostek describes how he frequented coffee shops in order to reach out and make connections with those in the community.

“During my first thirty-one days in Kansas City, I went to thirty-three coffee shops, and I set a numerical goal for each visit. My goal was to bump into, meet, and invite thirty-five people a day to join me in building Christian community in downtown Kansas City.”

Scott developed strategies that would maximize his opportunities for conversations. He adds, “What I noticed over time was that even when conversations didn’t go well, the simple act of having a conversation with a pastor at a coffee shop was enough to leave a lasting impact.

Read more.

Last Updated on July 5, 2016

The Michigan Conference