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Conference renews covenant with Haiti

Child giving a thumbs-up sign

Michigan United Methodists have had a relationship with God’s people in Haiti since 1996. The 2024 Annual Conference put a plan in place to help strengthen that special bond.

Three takeaways from NCJ Conference

Bishop and delegates

The 2024 North Central Jurisdictional Conference concluded on Saturday, and delegates returned home inspired by a church thinking anew and moving forward.

Dashing with God

Runner on track

Kay DeMoss has discovered three things that keep her dashing rather than lollygagging through the rest of her days and uses the lives of three Olympic athletes as illustrations.

Catching our communal breath

Pastors baptizing a child

Reflecting on the historic decisions at General Conference, Rev. Sue Petro speaks to how her personal journey intersects with the larger story — the church’s story — that is unfolding.

Start the year with the Holy Spirit

Dove symbolizes Holy Spirit

The Rev. Paul Perez says, “I’m not a fan of January.” He turns to scripture and finds words of grace that lift the spirit. “You are one of God’s beloveds… Continue Reading Start the year with the Holy Spirit

UMW’s new wineskins for new times

New wineskins for UMW

“We are making new wine and new wineskins to fulfill our role in God’s mission,” says Yvette Moore, a leader in the global United Methodist Women.

Conferences plan hybrid events

Themes of several conferences

Race and LGBTQ inclusiveness are among top issues on the agenda of virtual annual conferences taking place across the U.S. and around the world.

AC 2021 offering will change lives

HAPI to receive 45% of conference offering

There is no actual offering plate at a virtual annual conference. However, Michigan United Methodists are invited to make contributions that will support our covenant partners in Haiti and Liberia.

New life through healthy transitions

Transitions can have thorny spots

Appointments are being made. Transitions are beginning. This virtual workshop on April 17, 10 am to noon, will help pastors and congregational leadership prepare for healthy goodbyes and hellos.

Thoughts on choosing vaccination

Vaccination and lab tech

Noting that people’s responses to COVID-19 vaccination fall on a spectrum, the Rev. Paul Perez plans to be vaccinated and encourages others to do so, too.

The Michigan Conference