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Joining pilgrims on a holy walk

Women standing near a cross

During a recent three-day Walk to Emmaus weekend, Pastor Vicky Prewitt found holy moments walking with pilgrims of faith and witnessing their eyes being opened to the amazing presence of… Continue Reading Joining pilgrims on a holy walk

Veterans Day tribute to Dad

Flag in cemetery

Glenn Wagner reflects on the testimony of his father, who served his family with love, this country as a veteran of the U.S. army, and God through a faithful life… Continue Reading Veterans Day tribute to Dad

Take time to hallow

Trick-or-treaters on Halloween

What is the true meaning of Halloween? Kay DeMoss invites us to sit with her and remember all the saints who have encouraged and nurtured us in life and faith.

The Ten Commandments and me

Ten Commandments

Retired pastor Glenn Wagner gives the context and history behind the Ten Commandments and then asks why we should care about them today.

Out of the mouths of babes

Children listening during vacation Bible school

Rev. Margie Crawford encourages us to listen to the words of children in how they see the world and describe their faith.

‘Where are you from?’

Tree on a farm

Sondra Willobee believes our answer to “Where are you from?” deepens over time as we consider the family ties and the lands that have shaped us.

‘Listen to your life’

Frederick Buechner

Frederick Buechner’s writings nurtured a whole generation of preachers and writers, including many United Methodists, by his creative and careful use of words in communicating the precious gifts of life.

Why tradition actually means something in faith

Book of Common Prayer

Joseph Yoo digs into his Anglican roots and discovers how ancient prayers and creeds have a powerful effect on the present.

97-year-old pays forward with bird sanctuary

Betty Hinshaw speaks at event.

Betty Hinshaw, a United Methodist, recently donated 25 acres to the Northwest Arkansas Land Trust, which will restore native grasses and improve habitat for grassland-dependent birds.

5 practices to reconnect with God

Hands outstretched in prayer

When you experience dry spiritual spells, try these five practices to reconnect to the Spirit of God.

The Michigan Conference