10,000 Baby Boomers reach retirement age every day. Are you reaching out to them?
Older Adult Ministry
Whether it be “Star Wars” or “Star Trek” the church is facing a new frontier when it comes to those being born from 1946 to 1964. Baby boomers will be a big part of the future of disciple making.
Though the Millennials are currently the largest generation among us, Baby Boomers are quickly exerting their influence and are becoming essential for the vibrancy and health of many churches.
In order to enhance the ministry of making disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world, we need to take seriously the Baby Boomer population. Ten thousand boomers reach retirement age each day even though many are delaying retirement because of financial concerns. Many boomers experience concerns about aging.
Each generation brings its own unique gifts to the church. It’s time to boost outreach to the Boomer generation, who are in a position to change the whole course of our older adult ministry.
Why Baby Boomers? Because according to Barna Research1, as of 2013, many mainline churches now consist of more than 90% Baby Boomers. Many Baby Boomers are looking to make a significant difference in their lives and in the world. They are idealistic and service-minded. They want to change the world. With God’s help and the work of the Holy Spirit they can.
Congregations need to develop leaders amongst this population and create significant ministries that these Boomers would find meaningful.
Interested in developing a “Baby Boomer Ministry” at your church? Or would you like to be part of an exciting team of Christians within our Michigan Conference? If yes, contact:
- David Dekker (517) 324-4968, youfoundation@youfoundation.org, Chairperson of the Older Adult Team or
- Rev. David Meister, (269) 876-7204, revdmeister@gmail.com, former chairperson, now a member of the Older Adult Team.
Are you ready to move into the next frontier by taking seriously the Baby Boomers in your midst? These persons are prepared to be your advocates and help in implementing an Older Adult Ministry within your local church.
Also, an important training is on the calendar for Saturday, May 5, 2018. The Older Adult Team has invited Dr. William Randolph, Director, Office on Aging and Older Adult Ministries for The United Methodist Church will keynote an event on the Kalamazoo District that day. (Details will be forth coming.) Dr. Randolph will offer insights and strategies for engaging this next frontier in our local churches.
Note: much of the above information was gleaned from the S.A.G.E., the Fall Newsletter of the Office on Aging and Older Adult Ministries.
Last Updated on January 11, 2023