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Bishop Donald Ott expresses thanks

Colleagues and Friends across Michigan –

Thank you for your care and concern to Jan and me over the past months leading to her death on June 2. You have been extraordinary.

A “Service of Thanksgiving” at our home congregation was on June 24. For months, to both of us, and in recent days, to me, you have shown your interest and support in ways innumerable… hospice visits by Bishop Deb and Brad Kiesey and my special clergy assistant Molly Turner, cards, emails, offers to “do anything,” stories of our times together, amazing numbers of you in attendance at the service, prayers offered, gifts in Jan’s honor to Garrett Seminary, Carroll University, our congregation…and faith affirmations.

I am very grateful. Jan’s smile of gratitude always overpowered her body’s limits. We loved you and our Michigan years. My few words are meant to express my thanksgiving to you from both of us and our family.

  Bishop Don Ott

Last Updated on February 2, 2024

The Michigan Conference