Our emotional health is part of our overall health and stress takes a toll both emotionally and physically.
The good news is that there are things we can do to reduce our stress. Did you know that in the Virgin Pulse app there is a mindfulness exercise each day? It’s designed to help us lessen our stress by spending just a few minutes aiming to be more mindful.
In the app, if you tap “Benefits” at the bottom, you’ll see “Your Benefits” and listed there should be “ReThinkCare: Daily Mindfulness Training.” They are mini-podcasts designed to reduce stress. An added bonus is that if you do them each day, you’ll gain points towards your Virgin Pulse quarterly reward!
I know I’m stressed. I bet you are too. Some less, some more. Yet almost all of us could do with less stress. The good news is that we’re not alone and there are resources at our fingertips to help us reduce our stress. Check out ReThinkCare and take a deep breath.
MI Benefits Guy is with you!
Last Updated on April 11, 2024