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How my call changed

Make no mistake, I’m not sure how I got to be in this position other than to say that I continue to listen to the Holy Spirit’s call on my life. I was reflecting on this recently when a seminary friend pointed out just how strange it was to see me in a Conference position since I was the one that at the beginning of seminary declared, “Put me in some small church. That is the call I have in ministry.”

Yet, as I continue to settle into this new position as MI Benefits Guy (How long am I allowed to say I’m settling in, by the way?) I can only say what I said to that friend, “My call changed.” That is the nature of the Holy Spirit, we go where it calls us.

How do we learn to do that? For me, it was from a mentor, Helen Sinell. Helen is now part of that great cloud of witnesses, but before that, she was my Confirmation Mentor and much of what I know about how to live a faithful Christian life comes from Helen. Since she is now with God, I remember and give thanks for her each year at All Saints Day/Sunday. I truly would not be who I am nor where I am without Helen’s mentorship.

She was 70 years my senior and had much life experience and her friendship and mentorship were invaluable to me. She served me good food and taught me, guided me, and prayed for me. She is the reason I have a daily devotional practice and she is the reason that I listened to my call into ministry and continue to listen to where the Holy Spirit is calling me, even when it may be to places where I wouldn’t have imagined I would be called – like being the Director of Conference Benefits & Coordinator of Human Resources aka MI Benefits Guy.

January is National Mentoring Month. Who mentored you? If they are still living, send them a note or a card thanking them for their mentorship. If they are no longer with us, send a prayer of thanksgiving up for them. They were a benefit in your life, and we praise God for that.

Also, as MI Benefits Guy, I would ask you to consider who you can mentor as we celebrate National Mentoring Month. Who can you guide and teach and love as they grow? Get out there and be a mentor just as you were mentored.

Last Updated on January 4, 2024

The Michigan Conference