Benefits Ministry Shares (BMS) invoices are moving from mailed paper invoices to emailed electronic invoices. Churches need to sign up now in order to receive the October invoice.
Wow! What a time of change 2020 has been. We hope the Benefits Ministry Shares (BMS) Holiday has been one bright spot.
But, like all holidays, it will come to an end. Beginning October 1, 2020 BMS payments will resume.
Also in October, your church will receive the monthly BMS invoice electronically. This decision was made to increase efficiency and decrease costs. With over $7,000.00 in savings for the Benefits Office, the electronic invoice is a safe and effective way to improve our process.
We still need your help to get the BMS electronic invoice to the right person at your church. If your church has not done this yet please click this link and complete the form to ensure your BMS invoices arrive in a timely manner. You will need your church’s GCFA number, contact or treasurer’s name, email, and phone number.
As a reminder, the BMS are calculated as a percentage of Line 26 based on the appointment status indicated on the Clergy Compensation Recommendation Report.
If you have questions please contact the Jennifer Gertz: or or call the Benefits Office at 517-347-4030.
Benefits Ministry Shares is a connectional ministry shared by all which provides funding for: clergy retirement plan contributions, welfare plan premiums (disability & death), and all expenses related to the Conference Board of Pension & Health Benefits (CBOPHB) and the Conference Benefits Office.
Last Updated on October 31, 2023