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Avoid an over-eager welcome

Pastor Scott Chrostek counsels congregation to give millennials some freedom and space.

Churches often welcome young adults with such urgency and expectation that younger visitors can feel overwhelmed.

Scott Chrostek, pastor of Resurrection Downtown in Kansas City, Missouri, says it is actually more hospitable to maintain their sense of anonymity and personal privacy in worship — to help them blend in and feel comfortable without attracting undue attention.

Chrostek encourages leaders  …

  1. not assume everyone is on the same page;
  2. adjust lighting and sound;
  3. and over-explain elements of worship.

Scott Chrostek is a child of Birmingham First United Methodist Church and served Brighton First United Methodist Church as Associate Pastor from 2006-2009, where he was largely responsible for planning and leading worship.

Read more.

Last Updated on November 21, 2017

The Michigan Conference