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Africa University thanks Michigan UMs

Africa U student sews

Education continues at Africa University during the pandemic. In addition, the students have been making hand sanitizer and PPE for their neighbors in the region. And Michigan helped!

Africa University thanks Michigan
Africa University (AU) expresses its deep appreciation for the ongoing generosity of the Michigan Conference. 

As elsewhere around the globe, the past four months of operation at AU have been impacted by COVID-19.  But there is good news coming from the campus.

  • Students and faculty completed the semester’s academic activities. The university was able to quickly transition from in-person to online learning and respond to internet access and equipment challenges in some home/country settings effectively.
  • Africa U wrapped up its first-ever online-only examinations period on June 5. They were applauded by Zimbabwe’s National Council for Higher Education for their bold leadership.
  • The university’s contributions to the fight against the spread of COVID-19 include the manufacture of hand sanitizer and PPE. AU developed its own disposable mask prototype for commercial production and students are making reusable cloth masks.
  • Students are doing their part to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on vulnerable families. They have launched successful appeals and gave up meals in order to buy food, medicine, and other basic essentials for their neighbors.


Africa U students distribute food
Africa University’s international students who are still resident on its main campus during the pandemic lent a helping hand to the surrounding communities by donating essential food items that included mealie meal, salt, fresh eggs, juices, and poultry. The donations assisted 12 families whose lives have been negatively affected by COVID- 19. ~ Facebook/Africa University

All of this is possible because The Michigan Conference continues to lift Africa University in prayer and invest in its ministry. You model meaningful discipleship and inspire new leaders to claim and work towards God’s promise of abundant life.

For more, go to the Facebook page of Africa University.

Last Updated on September 20, 2022

The Michigan Conference