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Emotions Playlists


Need something else?

Need another resource?  Looking for advice? Please contact Kathy Pittenger.

Looking for a Children's Bible?

Check with your church to see if they have a preferred Bible or one that they frequently use with children. Here are my favorites:

Story Bibles:

Children's Bibles:

What are playlists and how do we use them?

On this page you will find playlists with a Bible story, video, activities and more on a specific them. You can use them with your family to grow in your faith in God and with one another. These playlists may be helpful for your kids to learn about emotions. 

Pick a time that works for your family. Once a week, every day, somewhere in between. Use one or two things or use them all. It's up to you.

eggs with faces

Last Updated on October 27, 2023

The Michigan Conference