Imagine No Malaria continues to combat the disease as part of an Abundant Health initiative.
The United Methodist Church is the first faith-based partner of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (The Global Fund), the largest international public-/private-funding source for health programs.
This historic partnership has also given The United Methodist Church a “seat at the table” with world health leaders. Our Global Fund partnership extends INM dollars through their greater purchasing power and is a means to quickly and effectively apply funds raised.
The United Methodist Church officially joined the global effort against malaria in 2010, defining Imagine No Malaria as the Church’s effort to address malaria in sub-Saharan Africa, officially launching INM’s $75 million fundraising campaign, and partnering with the Global Fund.Through the work of Imagine No Malaria, The United Methodist Church has helped to make great strides in the fight against malaria over the past eight years.

However, malaria continues to claim lives and promote a cycle of poverty in many communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. When the work began a child died every 30 seconds from malaria. Today a child dies every two minutes. The need for malaria prevention and control measures is still relevant and the INM will continue to play a significant role in the fight against malaria beyond 2016.
As the UMC Global Health focus for the next quadrennium, the people of The United Methodist Church are working through the Abundant Health initiative to bring better health and wholeness to people in every place, from our own backyards to around the world.
Click here for a comprehensive report on the UMC’s fight against malaria.
Last Updated on August 11, 2017