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DAC Journal orders online

Detroit Conference Journals will be distributed in a new way starting in 2017.

DAC Journal Committee

As the Michigan Area moves toward creation of one Annual Conference, the distribution/ordering process for the 2017 Detroit Annual Conference Journals will be different this year. This change is effective for congregations, individual persons, and DAC agencies and committees.

If your DAC Journal has typically arrived in the mail without having ordered it, beginning this year you will need to order your 2017 Journal. There are two exceptions: retirees and surviving spouses of clergy memorialized at annual conference will be mailed a free copy of the 2017 DAC Journal. The Journal Committee will cover the cost for printing and shipping for current retirees and surviving spouses.

All others must order their copy(s) of the  2017 Journal online. Upon ordering, the cost for the Journal(s) will be paid by the individual, the agency, or the local church.

Orders for the 2017 DAC Journal will be placed online from ‘CreateSpace,’ an Amazon company. When the Journal is ready to order, a link will be published and made available on the Michigan Area website. Each Journal will cost around $10, which covers shipping.

We recognize this is a big change, and we anticipate some confusion along the way. We will do our best to communicate this new change as clearly as possible. More information will be coming in future editions of MIConnect.

Last Updated on April 4, 2017

The Michigan Conference