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‘Liturgy of the ordinary’

Mom and author Tish Harrison Warren can help turn your morning routine into worship.

“One Lent, mostly out of curiosity, I stopped looking at my smartphone when waking and tried to make my bed and sit on it in silence for a few minutes. There was something about making small order out of chaos and touching real sheets and covers and the hard wood beneath my feet—the tangibility of that experience—that shaped my day in subtle ways.”

That segment from Tish Harrison Warren’s interview with Religion News Service columnist Jonathan Merritt offers background into her conviction that, “we can’t know God in the abstract, but only in the concrete.”

In her book, “The Liturgy of the Ordinary,” Warren shares ways to transform mundane routines into meaningful rituals. “The kind of rituals that nurture God’s presence and awaken your spirit to new life.”

Read more.

Last Updated on March 19, 2017

The Michigan Conference