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Design Team plans to listen

The Design Team continues it work toward the creation of One Conference in Michigan.

Rev. Dr. Glenn M. Wagner
Rev. Marsha M. Woolley
Michigan Conference Design Team, co-chairs

The Michigan Conference Design Team gathered at the Michigan Area Ministry Center in Lansing on September 1 for the first day-long, total team meeting since May. The team welcomed both Bishop David Bard, on his first official day as our episcopal leader, and Rev. John Boley, new to the role as Area Clergy Assistant to the Bishop.

Mark Baker, a member of the Design team who died on August 18, was remembered with gratitude for his service.

The session heard reports from Design Team sub committees. These groups consulted with conference groups, boards, agencies, and committees over the summer and offered detailed proposals for the Design Team’s consideration.

When the Design Team meets in October, these concepts will be more fully developed. In November they will be posted on design.michiganumc.org for public review and comment.

Listening sessions

Four public sessions will be held around the State in November and January. The purpose of these gatherings is to provide detailed proposals and to receive direct feedback> The proposals will be further refined prior to the Design Team’s presentation to Annual Conference, June 1-4, 2017 at the Grand Traverse Resort.

Presentation/feedback sessions will be:

  • Saturday, November 12, 2016, 10am – Noon at the Marquette Connection Center, 927 W. Fair Ave. Marquette, MI 49855
  • Thursday, November 17, 2016,  7pm – 9pm at Cornerstone UMC, 1675 84th St. SE, Caledonia, MI 49316 (The event will be livestreamed; link to view will be provided).
  • Saturday, November 19, 2016, 10am – Noon at Southfield Hope UMC, 26275 Northwestern Hwy Southfield, MI 48076
  • Tuesday, January 17, 2017,  7pm– 9pm at Michigan Area Ministry Center, 1011 Northcrest Road, Lansing, MI 48906. (This will be a webinar with room for guests to join us in person and online)

Structure plan

The Design Team is guided by the Annual Conference and disciplinary mission to make Disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by providing a connection for ministry beyond the local church; all for the glory of God.  The plan is also being intentionally formulated in light of the newly adopted Conference vision– The Michigan Conference equips and connects through Christ Centered Mission and Ministry, Bold and Effective Leaders and Vibrant Congregations.

A Structure Task Group worked over the summer to draft a plan of organization for the Michigan Annual Conference. The group’s work was informed by the United Methodist Book of Discipline and defined by Judicial Council rulings.

Three Core Values guide plans for structure:

  1. People are our greatest resource
  2. Create a nimble and flexible structure
  3. Be in compliance with the Discipline

The draft proposal for structure will include provisions for oversight, administration, and strategic focus on these three key components of the new vision.

Other reports

Personnel Committees of the Conference Leadership Teams collaborated with members of the Design Team and the Conference Chancellors to draft human resource policies for consideration and feedback. Staffing needs and concepts are also under consideration.

The Design Team received a progress report on the evaluation and exploration of area facilities needed to house staff and ministry activities. The Redistricting Sub-committee shared concepts and dreams that will be considered by the entire Michigan Area cabinet later this month.  A proposal for redistricting is expected to be ready for presentation and input at the upcoming feedback sessions.

Councils on Finance and Administration are collaborating to develop a shared recommendation for the apportionment formula and other financial policies.

Last Updated on January 12, 2023

The Michigan Conference