Rev. Matthew Hook is the keynote speaker for the 2017 Michigan Area Town & Country Circuit Rider Retreat hosted at the West Branch Quality Inn.
Rev. Hook has pastored the Dexter United Methodist Church on the Ann Arbor District since 2003. The church has experienced a 10% growth during his time as spiritual leader. His theme for the retreat is, “Gaining Traction for your Soul and your Church.”
All pastors and spouses serving the smaller, single and multiple-point churches in the Michigan Area are welcome.
The event begins Monday, November 6 at 1:00pm with dinner at 5:30pm at the Churchill UMC.
Tuesday, November 7, is a full day from 9am-4pm followed by an evening of fun together.
Wednesday, November 8, begins with breakfast at 8:00am and wraps up before noon.
Cost is $240 double occupancy for 2 nights plus meals; $180 single occupancy for 2 nights plus meals; $70 commuter includes meals. (1 dinner, 1 lunch, 2 breakfasts)
Click here for flyer and registration form.
Registration deadline has been extended through October 27th. Register by mail to Rev. Robert Dister, P. O. Box 98, Clayton, MI 49235 or email Reach the registrar by phone at 517-455-4009.
Last Updated on November 2, 2023