Via Zoom
Virtual Mission u
Via ZoomCouldn't attend the Mission u in July? Now is your chance to participate virtually on your own or gather a small group of people from your church as we discuss the 2024 theme of 'Welcome Home'. Together, we will explore how we can know God as an intimate friend who welcomes us while we discover what… Continue Reading Virtual Mission u
Open Fund Development Hour
Via ZoomA monthly online co-working space for those interested in non-traditional funding opportunities for your church or non-profit. Attendees can bring a question, ideas to flesh out, a grant to work on, spend time searching for grants, build a budget or draft a purpose statement. Connectional Ministry Staff, Lisa Batten, will host a one hour monthly… Continue Reading Open Fund Development Hour
Open Fund Development Hour
Via ZoomA monthly online co-working space for those interested in non-traditional funding opportunities for your church or non-profit. Attendees can bring a question, ideas to flesh out, a grant to work on, spend time searching for grants, build a budget or draft a purpose statement. Connectional Ministry Staff, Lisa Batten, will host a one hour monthly… Continue Reading Open Fund Development Hour
Virtual Mission u
Via ZoomCouldn't attend the Mission u in July? Now is your chance to participate virtually on your own or gather a small group of people from your church as we discuss the 2024 theme of 'Welcome Home'. Together, we will explore how we can know God as an intimate friend who welcomes us while we discover what… Continue Reading Virtual Mission u
Faith Formation Fall Mini-Cohort
Via ZoomJoin our three month cohort for faith formation leaders to learn, share, and connect. Cohorts in the Michigan Conference offer leaders regular meeting times with others in similar positions or interests. They have made a profound impact on leaders in Michigan and beyond. Past cohort participants have described the cohorts as a place for “community… Continue Reading Faith Formation Fall Mini-Cohort
Faith Formation Fall Mini-Cohort
Via ZoomJoin our three month cohort for faith formation leaders to learn, share, and connect. Cohorts in the Michigan Conference offer leaders regular meeting times with others in similar positions or interests. They have made a profound impact on leaders in Michigan and beyond. Past cohort participants have described the cohorts as a place for “community… Continue Reading Faith Formation Fall Mini-Cohort
Faith Formation Fall Mini-Cohort
Via ZoomJoin our three month cohort for faith formation leaders to learn, share, and connect. Cohorts in the Michigan Conference offer leaders regular meeting times with others in similar positions or interests. They have made a profound impact on leaders in Michigan and beyond. Past cohort participants have described the cohorts as a place for “community… Continue Reading Faith Formation Fall Mini-Cohort
Basic Coach Training: Start Coaching Tomorrow
Via ZoomAsking the right questions is an essential part of being a coach. Basic coaching skills can dramatically improve your effectiveness, increase a leader’s impact in the faith community and the local community, and prepare leaders to effectively coach each other in partnerships with peers. WHAT: A starter class for those with no previous coaching experience. … Continue Reading Basic Coach Training: Start Coaching Tomorrow
Basic Coach Training: Start Coaching Tomorrow
Via ZoomAsking the right questions is an essential part of being a coach. Basic coaching skills can dramatically improve your effectiveness, increase a leader’s impact in the faith community and the local community, and prepare leaders to effectively coach each other in partnerships with peers. WHAT: A starter class for those with no previous coaching experience. … Continue Reading Basic Coach Training: Start Coaching Tomorrow
Basic Coach Training: Start Coaching Tomorrow
Via ZoomAsking the right questions is an essential part of being a coach. Basic coaching skills can dramatically improve your effectiveness, increase a leader’s impact in the faith community and the local community, and prepare leaders to effectively coach each other in partnerships with peers. WHAT: A starter class for those with no previous coaching experience. … Continue Reading Basic Coach Training: Start Coaching Tomorrow