ERT training scheduled for November 18
The Michigan Conference seeks volunteers to become UMCOR-certified early responders by attending a one-day Early Response Team training next month. Register by November 8.
After the Storm to host volunteer blitz
From October 1-7, After the Storm urges churches and individuals to come to Detroit to help flood survivors improve the health of their homes.
Disaster kit rally begins September 10
The Michigan Conference prepares for a fall disaster kit rally, September 10 through October 22, as it begins a season of transition in disaster response ministry leadership.
JFON-MI rebrands, recommits to mission
Justice for Our Neighbors Michigan announces a new name—Immigration Law & Justice Michigan—coupled with an enduring passion for mission.
Midwest Mission opens Iowa location
Over 200 people attended the opening of Midwest Mission’s second campus in Jefferson, IA, including Iowa Bishop Kennetha Bigham-Tsai.
Michigan’s EngageMI gifts lead UMC
STEP THREE: In 2022 Michigan churches’ contributions through EngageMI increased by 38%. We led the denomination in giving to national and international advance projects. Continue Reading Michigan’s EngageMI gifts lead UMC
Conference celebrates EngageMI churches
The Michigan Conference celebrates how many United Methodist congregations here in Michigan are leaders in mission through the EngageMI program.
Michigan churches engage in migration ministry
Two Michigan United Methodist churches utilized Mustard Seed Migration Grants to begin new ministries to refugee neighbors. October 1 is the deadline for the 2023 grant cycle.
Michigan ranks number 1 in mission
At the 2023 Annual Conference, the Michigan Conference was recognized as giving more to mission than any other annual conference.
Haiti flooding increases displacement, hunger
At least 42 dead, and over 13,000 displaced after flooding in Haiti on June 4. Support UMCOR’s programming in Haiti now through The Advance.