Tag: regionalization
Meet our GC delegates, part 1

Over the next four weeks, meet members of our Michigan Conference delegation as they prepare for the big denominational gathering in Charlotte.
Laity see ‘resurrection energy’

In this third article exploring the future of the church, leading laity point to signs of rebirth within The United Methodist Church in Michigan and beyond.
NCJ delegates gather in Chicago

Delegations from the North Central Jurisdiction gathered in suburban Chicago to prepare for next year’s General and Jurisdictional Conferences.
Regionalization plan heads to General Conference

A key United Methodist leadership body has given unanimous approval to submitting a proposal for worldwide regionalization to the denomination’s top lawmaking assembly. The legislative package aims to give Africa,… Continue Reading Regionalization plan heads to General Conference
Three takeaways from NCJ Conference

The Rev. Paul Perez, clergy delegate, lists three important takeaways from last week’s North Central Jurisdictional Conference that every Michigan United Methodist should pay attention to.