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Special Michigan AC called in March

Members to vote in Special Session

A special session of the Michigan Annual Conference is being called on March 7, 2020, by Bishop David Bard, to consider forwarding Protocol legislation on to the 2020 General Conference.

Life in interesting times

Bishop Bard at GC 2019

Interesting times call for out of the ordinary actions. Bishop David Bard recalls a conference speaker’s words about a “liminal season,” as he explains the reasons for a special annual… Continue Reading Life in interesting times

Preview of 2020 General Conference

Kennetha Bigham-Tsai provides preview of business

With the 2020 General Conference 13 weeks away, United Methodists visited Nashville last week for a preview of what’s ahead.

Hold on closings and complaints

Thomas Bickerton

“We need to settle ourselves down and breathe and allow the breath of God to take us to this next stage,” said Bishop Thomas Bickerton, regarding complaints and church closings.

Traditionalist event draws big crowd

Chris Ritter is a proponent of the traditionalist approach

Those gathered in Alabama around a Traditionalist church considered a future that’s, “a season of messiness, a season of building, that’s also an opportunity.”

‘The Plan’ … our leaders comment

A plan supported by prayer

Four Michigan Conference leaders — Bishop David Bard, Rev. Benton Heisler, Laura Witkowski, and Rev. Kennetha Bigham-Tsai — offer their initial responses to the separation plan announced on January 3rd.

Leaders offer separation plan

Leaders who offer separation plan

On January 3rd, a diverse, 16-member team of church leaders, offered a separation proposal that would preserve The United Methodist Church while allowing traditionalist-minded congregations to form a new denomination.

The Michigan Conference