Tag: Midwest Mission Distribution Center
Midwest Mission needs relief supplies

Recent flooding has devasted parts of the Midwest, and you can help by sending disaster relief supplies to one of three Permanent Collection Sites in Michigan.
Chelsea church aids Midwest Mission

Eighteen volunteers from Chelsea: First UMC recently visited Midwest Mission for the first time and are ready to return next year.
See what your time and $2 can do

All ages and abilities are invited to participate in a fun, hands-on activity at Annual Conference as we raise money for supplies and assemble rice meal packs for hunger relief.
Disaster relief and recovery takes teamwork

STEP SIX: United Methodists belong to a larger disaster response network that serves the mission of Jesus Christ. The United Methodist Committee on Relief is the tie that binds this… Continue Reading Disaster relief and recovery takes teamwork
Respond to Hurricanes Fiona, Ian

In response to disasters in the wake of Hurricanes Fiona and Ian, Michigan United Methodists are called to pray, donate cleaning kits (extended to Oct. 24), and give financially to… Continue Reading Respond to Hurricanes Fiona, Ian
Disaster/VIM trainings, cleaning kit request announced

Two service-related announcements: Disaster and VIM trainings will occur on October 22 at Ludington UMC, and a national request for cleaning kits has been issued by UMCOR with more details… Continue Reading Disaster/VIM trainings, cleaning kit request announced
Let’s get missional at AC 2022

There are five ways to support mission during the 2022 Michigan Annual Conference. Make a difference in the state and around the world.
Clean-up continues in southeast Michigan

Federal, state, and church resources are being mustered to assist in the disaster relief phase after flood waters swept through Wayne and Washtenaw counties on June 26. You can help.
Statewide supply drive now underway

Collection sites for Cleaning Bucket and Hygiene Kit supplies are ready to receive deliveries now through October 5.
How to help without hurting

First responders. Early Response Teams. Volunteers in Mission. There’s a time and a place for all to help. Here’s how “helping” works.