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Midwest Mission needs disaster relief supplies

Volunteer packing a Home Care Kit

Recent flooding has devasted parts of the Midwest, and you can help by sending disaster relief supplies to one of three Permanent Collection Sites in Michigan.

Chelsea church aids Midwest Mission

Church group at mission work

Eighteen volunteers from Chelsea: First UMC recently visited Midwest Mission for the first time and are ready to return next year.

See what your time and $2 can do

Heart made of rice

All ages and abilities are invited to participate in a fun, hands-on activity at Annual Conference as we raise money for supplies and assemble rice meal packs for hunger relief.

NCJ bishops lead the way in mission

Bishops assembling Rice Meal Bags

Bishops from the North Central Jurisdiction recently experienced the work done by ministry partner Midwest Mission by participating in hands-on mission projects.

Disaster kit rally begins September 10

Volunteer packing a Home Care Kit

The Michigan Conference prepares for a fall disaster kit rally, September 10 through October 22, as it begins a season of transition in disaster response ministry leadership.

Midwest Mission opens Iowa location

ribbon cutting

Over 200 people attended the opening of Midwest Mission’s second campus in Jefferson, IA, including Iowa Bishop Kennetha Bigham-Tsai.

UMs pack 5,000 rice meal bags for relief

Women filling rice meal packs for hunger relief

At Annual Conference, the Michigan Conference assembled 5,000 rice meal packs for hunger relief in three hours, feeding 30,000 people.

Spring kit rally plants ‘mission’ in Michigan hearts

Packing bottles of shampoo

STEP SIX: The Michigan Conference Disaster Response and Recovery Team mobilized a kit rally during April to help replenish supplies for our long-time partner, Midwest Mission Distribution Center in Pawnee,… Continue Reading Spring kit rally plants ‘mission’ in Michigan hearts

Members prepare for 2023 AC

The 2023 Michigan Annual Conference begins next week, and Michigan United Methodists will worship God, celebrate ministry, and do good work together.

The Great Lakes Team serves at Midwest Mission


Each spring, United Methodists from Michigan and Wisconsin take a trip to Midwest Mission, creating community and serving God together.

The Michigan Conference