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Trust in the risen Christ

Shalom Gate at HAPI in Haiti

With the humanitarian crisis in Haiti in mind, Bishop David Bard asks us to live out our resurrection faith and labor for a more peaceful and just world.

What’s happening now in Haiti

Traffic on a road in Haiti

David Draeger, a full-time mission volunteer serving the Methodist Church of Haiti (EMH), shares this report of present realities and future hopes for the country.

UMCOR on the scene throughout 2021

UMCOR in mid-Michigan

UMCOR answered many appeals for help in 2021. Here are key responses and a few of the major grants awarded to help alleviate suffering worldwide, including Michigan.

PAPA’s Ministries active in Haiti

PAPA's ministry sponsored a gathering of 250 Haitians for fellowship and training.

PAPA’s Ministries, with the help of the Rev. Lamartiniere Lucien and David Draeger, is sponsoring educational seminars in partnership with the Methodist Church of Haiti.

Haiti Partner Celebration Oct. 15, 2017

Armada United Methodist Church will host a Haiti Mission Event on Sunday, October 15th at 4pm. The church is located at 23200 E. Main St. Armada. Special guest presenter is… Continue Reading Haiti Partner Celebration Oct. 15, 2017

200 years in Haiti

Michigan UMs were in Port-au-Prince to mark the anniversary and consecrate 115 Local Preachers.

Area Advent Offering

Bishop David Bard invites the Michigan Area to remember our Haitian brothers and sisters.

Teaching preachers, walking with giants

Clergy leaders from the Michigan Area participate in a Local Pastors’ Academy in Haiti.

The Michigan Conference