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Guide to 2020 Virtual AC is in the mail

Joy Barrett, Bishop, and John Boley

You’ve got mail! If you are a member of the 2020 Michigan Annual Conference, you will receive a packet this week with all you need to prepare for the session… Continue Reading Guide to 2020 Virtual AC is in the mail

Liberia’s churches begin to reopen

Churches check temps

 Wearing masks, social distancing, and taking temperatures are “new normal” practices in churches in Africa as well as the U.S. as the coronavirus pandemic continues.

Virtual AC registration ends June 14

Virtual AC business to be done by ZOOM

The Michigan Annual Conference will be different this year but all essential business will get done. Registration is open now through June 14 for this virtual session. There will be… Continue Reading Virtual AC registration ends June 14

Bishop announces virtual AC 2020

2019 was in-person; 2020 will be virtual

Saying the “health and well-being of our members must be our focus,” Bishop David Bard has announced that the 2020 Annual Conference will be virtual rather than in-person, July 26-29,… Continue Reading Bishop announces virtual AC 2020

What to know about Albion Special Session

Albion College's Goodrich Chapel

Members and guests of The Michigan Annual Conference will travel to Albion March 7 for a Yes-or-No vote on one General Conference petition. Here are the essential things to know… Continue Reading What to know about Albion Special Session

Register for Special Session by Mar. 2

Members will gather again in March

AC members who gathered in Acme last May will gather again in Albion on March 7 for a special session. Under  consideration is the forwarding of Protocol legislation on to… Continue Reading Register for Special Session by Mar. 2

Special Michigan AC called in March

Members to vote in Special Session

A special session of the Michigan Annual Conference is being called on March 7, 2020, by Bishop David Bard, to consider forwarding Protocol legislation on to the 2020 General Conference.

Living in bittersweet days

Bittersweet grows in Michigan

The Michigan Conference Board of Laity met and Lay Leader Anne Soles described it as bittersweet. “Bitter that we talk of uncertainty. Sweet in the pulse of new ideas for… Continue Reading Living in bittersweet days

Hey! Where’s my pastor?

Worshipers at the 2018 Annual Conference

Your pastor not in the church office? He or she is up north in Acme, Michigan participating in The Michigan Annual Conference. 

Annual Conference materials online

Greeters at Grand Traverse Resort for 2019 Michigan Conference

The Michigan Annual Conference will convene next week in Acme, Michigan. Find all you need to follow the action that takes place May 30 – June 2.

The Michigan Conference