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The Great Commission means us!

Missional opportunities at AC 2022

Laura Witkowski asks, “It is possible that we have focused more on the making rather than the being” of discipleship? She invites all to a Zoom conversation on the Great… Continue Reading The Great Commission means us!

It matters what churches call classes

Teacher Jen Wilkin asks churches to “Stop calling everything a Bible study!”

Reaching and growing

Three churches on the Detroit Renaissance District birthed new faith communities on January 8, 2017.

THRIVE Youth Academy July 16-20, 2017

“Going to THRIVE was probably the best decision I’ve ever made. It helped me grow in my faith in God and helped me want to be a better leader.” ~2015… Continue Reading THRIVE Youth Academy July 16-20, 2017

Wesley Lay Academy open for registration

The Wesley Theological Seminary Lay Academy offers 11 online courses for education and enrichment.

Empowered by REACH Network

Tom Arthur teaching

Pastors and laity benefit from mentoring, networking and practical tools offered by the REACH Network.

Cubs win. Be like the Cubs.

Even before they became World Champions, Rev. Tamara Williams praised the Cubs for a winning strategy.

A re-tradition of Wesley’s class

A new ‘class’ is coming. This is Part 3 of a three-part story on disciple making yesterday and today.

How to make disciples

The Oxford Holy Club is the scene of this 1st of 3 part series on making disciples the Wesley way.

The Michigan Conference