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Their silence fills the earth

Woman alone on a bridge

Dakotas-Minnesota Area Bishop Bruce R. Ough asserts  that followers of Jesus cannot remain silent about the sin of sexual abuse and assault. 

How to hear a sermon

A retired pastor, writes about how to be active listeners and get the most impact from a sermon.

10 tips for great preaching

What separates good preachers from great preachers? Rev. Charley Reeb says perspective and preparation.

Before you judge someone …

Comedian and rabbi Bob Alper offers ‘the rest of the story’ on the subject of judging others.

Conversation matters

Detroit Conference Clergy Delegate, Rev. Joy Barrett, speaks of a gift she received and now plans to share.

Design Team moves to Kalamazoo

The third of six Listening Sessions to hear input about the creation of one United Methodist conference in Michigan will be held in Kalamazoo, February 29, 7-9 pm. Those wishing… Continue Reading Design Team moves to Kalamazoo

The Michigan Conference