Tag: Liberia Annual Conference
Bridge of faith connects Michigan and Liberia

Love and hope stretched across 5,200 miles as an 18-member team from the Michigan Conference traveled to Liberia in February to visit our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Faith bridge connects Michigan and Liberia

PART D: International Partners — Love and hope stretched across 5,200 miles as an 18-member team from the Michigan Conference traveled to Liberia in February to visit our brothers and sisters in Christ. Continue Reading Faith bridge connects Michigan and Liberia
Covenant partnerships affirmed at AC 2021

Relationships are a big part of the life of an annual Conference. Members heard the news about their covenant brothers and sisters in Liberia and Haiti.
Michigan VIMs leave for Liberia October 25

A volunteer in mission team will soon be leaving Michigan for service in The Liberia Conference. They covet your prayers.
Liberia’s UMW supports rural children

United Methodist Women in Liberia are investing in education for a brighter national future.
Agriculture is life in Liberia

Bishop Samuel Quire believes rural development is the key to the future of the UMC in Liberia.
Liberia’s bishop visits Michigan

Bishop Samuel Quire recently spent three days sharing his ministry vision in the Michigan Area.
Liberia’s bishop coming to Michigan

Bishop Samuel Quire will be in Michigan this month to share his vision for the Liberian UMC.
Liberia elects bishop

The Detroit Conference Liberia Task Force joins others in welcoming Bishop Samuel Quire into episcopal leadership.
On the road in Liberia

Ford Tough and Christ Loving can describe the new truck now in ministry in Liberia thanks to The Detroit Conference.