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Witnessing the dawn of a new day

Sunrise over the city of Charlotte

As a monitor for the General Commission on Religion and Race at General Conference, Rev. Jerry DeVine examines the historic event and wonders how the UMC will live into connectionalism… Continue Reading Witnessing the dawn of a new day

‘May we not love alike?’

People holding hands and singing

We are finding new ways to live in the Wesleyan spirit, says Bishop David Bard as he reflects on a General Conference unlike any other he has attended.

GC delegates pass Revised Social Principles

Woman wiping eyes

General Conference delegates approved the final section of the Revised Social Principles, removing the “incompatibility” phrase, which has been a source of harmful language to LGBTQ persons since its adoption… Continue Reading GC delegates pass Revised Social Principles

A life of faith-fueled advocacy

Mary Gladstone-Highland

Mary Gladstone-Highland reflects on how the Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church has shaped her advocacy for LGBTQ justice and inclusion.

A new day in the UMC


In a historic vote on Wednesday, May 1, General Conference delegates voted to eliminate the 40-year ban on the ordination of “self-avowed practicing” gay clergy.

Laity see ‘resurrection energy’

Zoom conversation

In this third article exploring the future of the church, leading laity point to signs of rebirth within The United Methodist Church in Michigan and beyond.

Panel identifies 78 petitions for action

Committee determining legislative agenda for 2019 General Conference

A Committee on Reference has ruled on which petitions will be considered at the special session of the General Conference meeting February 23-26, 2019.

Prepare your congregation for GC2019

Plenary session of the 2016 General Conference in Portland, OR

Your church can create a listening session about issues going to the 2019 General Conference. A Tool Box is available for your use.

Michigan delegates get ready to act

Charles Boayua making a presentation at 2016 General Conference

The second in a four-part series that describes how members of The Michigan Conference delegation are preparing for the 2019 Special Session of the General Conference in St. Louis, MO.

Michigan delegates get ready to act

Michigan delegates pray at 2016 General Conference.

The first in a four-part series that describes how members of The Michigan Conference delegation are preparing for the 2019 Special Session of the General Conference in St. Louis, MO.

The Michigan Conference